Build your own AI
Make your own Personal Assistant for just 35 bucks with our free AI disk image!
Better, safer, cheaper and cooler than the Google, Amazon, Microsoft or Apple offerings, your new AI system is fully customizable. Yes, you can even change the name, plus so much more.
The Barricados AI build uses Mycroft AI, an open-source and transparent software which allows you to add and develop new skills. We use a Raspberry Pi and some cheap Google hardware.
Download the disk image here:
The image is 1.9GB zipped, 3,7Gb unzipped, and will expand to your sd card.
It’s the default 0.9.14 mycroft version, with an updated kernel, and a slightly changed Wifi setup. The new mycroft wifi setup had a password check that did not work on the newer kernel, so we disabled it. So be sure to type in the right wifi password!! It will not get checked by the webgui program.
You can also use ssh, it’s enabled on the image. Username password = pi / mycroft as usual.
We also have some hidden gems for you in our build, like a ntfs usb disk backup to image feature, which also does a pishrink afterwards, chromecast and sonos auto-dj and some of our own preinstalled skills. All these can also be removed of course. This version also has a gui installed, start it with startx, or set it up with raspi-config. Also has some code to use the button, and power the lights in the button.
It’s basically the same as setting up the default picroft. Setup the wifi, pair on home.mycroft.ai3 and adjust your settings, like custom name in home.mycroft.ai3. We'll be updating this build, so check back periodically if you want the latest version.
Enjoy your new AI.
All the best,
Uncle Jim takes a bath - bryce
Backwoods - papkee
Electric Playground- Rekuiem
Oh my - Rekuiem
Still dreaming - Rekuiem
Ion - Bertn1991
Sunset Awesome (Guitarness) - breakerboy89
Busted bay - Bertn1991